Local Pharmacist Expresses Concerns Over GP Recruitment In Templemore


Concerns continue to be expressed in Templemore regarding the provision of a GP for the town.

Last Month Dr Joe Hennessey retired and the HSE took over his practice – however now the HSE has decided to transfer the Medical Card patients involved to another practice in the town which leaves Dr Hennessey’s private patients without a doctor.

The poor effort to recruit a new Doctor is causing serious concern to many elderly patients according to Linda O’Brien who works in a local pharmacy. Ms O’Brien says she has faced numerous enquiries as to what the HSE proposals will be into the future, but the complete lack of information from the HSE Regional Manager has cast serious doubts over the entire process. Ms O’ Brien says she is now asking the HSE Regional Manager Ms Angela Frawley to interact with the people of Templemore and its environs as to what the future holds for this medical practice.

Ms O’Brien says that the HSE took a more pragmatic approach in Thurles when a doctor retired and no applicant could be found – in that case the HSE operated the practice for two years until a replacement GP was found. Yet in Templemore, in the space of two months the HSE has decided to transfer between 700 to 800 Medical Card Patients to an already oversubscribed medical centre in the town.

TMWR understands that the Receptionist, Nurse and cleaner at Dr Hennessey’s practice will be made redundant in the coming weeks having been employed on a contract through CPL on behalf of the HSE since July 1 st .

Earlier this month Deputy Jackie Cahill implored the HSE to find a resident GP for Templemore saying “A town the size of Templemore needs this resident GP spot filled and I would expect the HSE to work tirelessly to find a replacement. Templemore cannot go without another resident GP” stated Deputy Cahill.

In a statement to TMWR today the HSE has cited difficulties in recruiting a GP for the town and stated that whilst the HSE has no responsibility for private patients, the Practice Manager was advised when communicating with private patients to advise of the need for them to source a new GP.

Private patients can contact Dr. Kenny’s Practice or any other Practice of their choice and request to be taken on as a patient The HSE also states that a letter and information leaflet issued to all GMS patients last week advising them of the new arrangements and how to access the new Practice