Trinity Professor Says Going Ahead With First Communions “Absurd”


A scientist has described the decision by various clergy to defy public health advice and allow religious ceremonies to go ahead as “absurd”.

Choices have to be made and “we can’t do everything all at once,” Prof Aoife McLysaght, Professor of Genetics at Trinity College Dublin said: “Our reopening is quite delicate.”

Her comments come after five bishop gave the go ahead to parish priests to resume First Holy Communion and Confirmation ceremonies, despite being asked by the Government to delay such events until more people are vaccinated against Covid-19.

The Archbishop of Dublin, Dr Dermot Farrell, has said that while he still believes the celebration of the sacraments should be deferred until the autumn, he will not stand in the way of parishes who press ahead with the ceremonies.

In a letter sent to parishes on Tuesday, the archbishop urged priests to proceed with the sacraments if they “consider it safe” and suggests “shorter, simpler and smaller ceremonies”.

The archbishop criticised the Government for failing to engage with church representatives on the matter, describing it as “a matter of profound regret”.

Current guidelines advise the public that Baptisms, Communions and Confirmations should not take place. Baptisms can take place from August 5th.