Cashel-based Councillor Declan Burgess has informed the public that Tipperary County Council has begun the part 8 process to build nine new housing units at the old O’Connor shop at the top of Boherclough Street.
The development consists of the construction of a new, social housing development of 9 No. dwellings on a 0.19-hectare site of an existing disused supermarket and adjoining derelict house at the junction of Boherclough Street and Deerpark Road in Cashel town.
Works will comprise of the demolition of two existing disused dwellings and the construction of 9 no. housing units comprising 3 No. 2 bedroom, two storey houses, 4 no. 1 Bedroom apartments and 2 no. 2 Bedroom apartments at the junction of Deerpark Road and Boherclough Street, Cashel. Works also comprise provision of new roundabout, road realignment, internal site access roads, footpaths, underground services, drainage systems, car parking, boundary treatments, landscaping, open spaces, connection to existing sewers and watermain and all associated site works. “The plans and particulars of the proposed development have been made available online and in the council buildings.
Anyone wishing to make a submission or observation with respect to the proposed development can do so on or before Monday, 16th August 2021,” said Declan. “I’m delighted our local authority is undertaking this project. Nine housing units will make the world of difference to many Cashel families seeking social housing support from our council. It’s not before time” said Cashel’s Burgess.
“I welcome the news that my ongoing representations have been taken on board, that there are plans to incorporate the provision of a new roundabout at this junction. It is also imperative that Tipperary County Council include safe pedestrian access and adequate parking at this location” concluded the Fine Gael representative.