An Bord Plenála has received an application from EcoPower Ltd in respect of its authorised, but not yet constructed Windfarm, near Upperchurch.
The farm has permission for 22 wind turbines but now seeks to increase the maximum blade tip height from 126.6 meters to 152 metres. This is achieved by increasing the wind turbine hub heights to within a range of between 89 to 94 meters in height and increasing the wind turbine rotor diameters to within a range of between 112 and 117 meters in diameter. The application also seeks to change the details on the 2 approved masts from tubular masts of up to 80 m in height to be changed to lattice tower masts up to 93.5 meters in height. The application is accompanied by an Environmental Impact Assessment Report and a Natura Impact Assessment Statement. The public can view the planning application and associated reports free of charge or purchase a copy on payment of a specified fee during public opening hours until Friday 2 nd of July 2021.
The documents are available at Nenagh Office of Tipperary County Council and An Bord Pleanála at 64 Marlborough Street Dublin1. The application can also be viewed and or downloaded at Submissions or observations can be made only to An Bord Pleanála in writing, no later than 5.30pm on July 2nd .
Any queries relating to the application process should be directed to the Strategic Infrastructure Development Section of An Bord Pleanála at 01 – 8588100.