In a press release, Tipperary County Council confirmed that it was not involved in the recent sale or the purchase of the former Supervalu (formerly Caulfield’s Supervalu) site at Bank Place, Tipperary Town.
The statement explained that this was a private sale by the owners of the site, and therefore any query about the sale needs to be referred to the auctioneers. The new owner did contact the council Municipal District Office following the purchase of the site. The new owner indicated that they have plans for the site, but they have not engaged with the council’s housing section to date on plans or proposals.
No discussion has taken place with new owners
In respect of the site, the council has indicated to all parties a strong preference towards retaining the site for town centre uses, such as retail . The Council has in its ownership a small parcel of land adjoining the former SuperValu site which is accessed off Gas House Lane, and this land is used as a council depot. The Council can confirm that no discussion has taken place to date with the new owners of the former Super Valu site about the redevelopment of the council lands.
In considering the long-term use of the former Super Valu, Bank Place, and the adjoining buildings and lands, the Tipperary Town Revitalisation Task Force recently identified several key sites in the town that will need to be redeveloped. The former Super Valu site is one of those sites, as is the former Kiely’s Bakery site, the former Tipperary Courthouse and Bridewell, and Dan Breen House.
Revitalisation Task Force plans to seek funding
The Tipperary Town Revitalisation Task Force plans to seek funding under the Rural Redevelopment Fund (RRDF – category 2) towards the preparation of master plans for these important sites. For this process to be successful, the cooperation of all landowners will be required. While it is premature to preempt the nature and extent of the future development on these sites, a full and comprehensive consultation will take place as part of the preparation of master plans for these sites should RRDF funds be provided.