100 Additional Divisional Asset Profilers Trained by Criminal Assets Bureau


The Criminal Assets Bureau (CAB), Chief Bureau Officer, Detective Chief Superintendent Michael Gubbins hosted the first online training course for the Criminal Assets Bureau Divisional Asset Profilers on Wednesday, 21st April 2021.  100 Garda personnel from Garda divisions around the country participated in the training and are now equipped to recognise criminals whose conduct identifies them for assessment by the Criminal Assets Bureau. CAB is responsive to new trends and shares learning with personnel on the frontline.

‘everything local, can in moments, have international links’

CAB was supported in the delivery of this training by Interpol’s online college IIPCIC (International IP Crime Investigators College) and accessed their online module on Cryptocurrency to inform profilers. The Chief Bureau Officer is conscious in today’s world that everything local, can in moments, have international links. In addition to Garda personnel, also joining the training were personnel from Interpol, the National Crime Agency (UK) and NI-CO (Northern Ireland Co-operation Overseas). The newly trained CAB Divisional Asset Profilers are encouraged to use this training in their daily policing activities.

‘Denying and Depriving’

The Chief Bureau Officer, Detective Chief Superintendent Michael Gubbins said “The Criminal Assets Bureau this week welcomes the training of an additional 100 Divisional Asset Profilers who are the eyes and ears of the Criminal Assets Bureau on the ground, and are an integral part in the success of the Criminal Assets Bureau in achieving its objective of ‘Denying and Depriving’.  The Bureau looks forward to continuing our positive engagement with all our Divisional Asset Profilers within An Garda Síochána, Revenue Commissioners and the Department of Social Protection.”