Tipperary Town Groups Oppose Roadwork Plans


A Press Release on behalf of three major Tipperary Town organisations has declared that the groups are opposed to Tipperary County Council’s plans for the upgrading of the N24 and N74 roads in Tipperary Town.

The proposed project was recently announced as part of the Tipperary Town Road Improvement Scheme 2021, and would see the upgrade of 1.6 km of Main Street, Tipperary Town, extending to St. Michael’s Cemetery on the N74. It is expected that the project would commence in late 2021, and take between 18 and 24 months to complete.

The press release, on behalf of Tipperary Town Chamber, Jobs4Tipp and March4Tipp, explains that all three working groups are opposed to “two years of roadworks for Tipperary Town before delivery of a solution to the N24 traffic”, with reference to the continued concerns arising from the lack of a ring-road for Tipperary Town to help curb the large volume of commuting traffic, which is considered a congesting hindrance to the town.

“overwhelming opposition”

In a statement by recently appointed Chairperson of Tipperary Town Chamber, Mr. Joe Hayes expressed that there was “overwhelming opposition” to the roadworks at recent Chamber meetings. He expressed concerns that the current medical and economical crisis had left Tipperary Town is a precarious position, and that any roadworks “need to be postponed in an effort to allow the town time to recover from the current crisis”.

“no effective solution”

March4Tipp Independent Councillor, Annemarie Ryan expressed similar concerns, making reference to the suffering endured by the town during the 2018 Irish Water upgrade, as well as the 2019 Davitt Street roadworks, coupled with “no effective solution… been offered by Tipperary County Council to alleviate the traffic congestion in our town”.

The press release concludes that a meeting with local councilors and elected representatives will be of help in an effort to express their opposition to the proposed roadworks.