Help to get The Plan Christmas-ready


Preparations are underway to light up The Plan area in Tipperary town for its very own Christmas festivities.

The idea is to bring a celebratory atmosphere to an area that has been disrupted over the past year by the ongoing road works.

The festivities will involve setting up a Christmas Tree at the green area, decorating the bandstand and decking it out a festive manner in the weeks ahead of Christmas.

It is then planned to host a number of events involving performances, poetry, spoken word and music on the evenings leading up to Christmas. Some events will be linked to celebrations in the town centre as well.

The public can donate towards getting The Plan ready for the festivities through an account at Tipperary Town Credit Union.

Most immediately, people are being asked to turn up at The Plan this coming Saturday at 1.30 pm to prepare the bandstand for painting (Wire brushes at the ready!).