Kilross Estate Left in Limbo Due To Irish Water refusal.

Call for the county’s politicians to get the matter resolved.

Irish Water Logo
Irish Water company logo.

Attention has been drawn to a situation in which Tipperary County Council is being prevented from taking charge of a housing estate because that estate’s independent sewage system does not feed into Irish Water’s infrastructure.

The Rocksprings estate in Kilross was developed on the understanding that the local authority would take it in charge at some stage in the future.
However, Irish Water was created a number of years later, and the utility company has since refused to take responsibility for sewage schemes not hooked up to its network.

That has left the Kilross estate in a grey area where a previous understanding that it would be taken in charge by the council, may no longer apply.

Speaking to Tipp Mid West this morning, Terence Coskeran said that efforts to address the problem so far have achieved nothing. He feels he and his fellow residents (who must continue to pay maintenance fees and LPT) are being treated unfairly, and he has called for the county’s politicians to get the matter resolved.