Almost 80% of Tipp Voters Say Yes in Divorce Referendum.


Polling at the Referendum on the proposal for the amendment of the Constitution contained in the Thirty-eighth Amendment of the Constitution (Dissolution of Marriage) Bill 2016 took place on Friday 24th May 2019. This coincided with the Local and European polls that we’re held on the same day.

The proposal is about two issues relating to divorce, namely how long people must be living apart before applying for a divorce, and the recognition of foreign divorces.

Voter turnout for the referendum at 59% was lower than recent referenda but higher than the national average. In the end, 79.65% voted in favour of allowing the Dáil to regulate the length of time that a person applying for divorce must live apart from their spouse.

Here are the full results:

ElectorateTotal PollInvalid (Spoiled)Total Valid PollVotes in Favour (Yes)Vote Against (No)