Cllr Martin Browne highlights the issue of resurfacing work in Bansha.


Residents and residents associations need more involvement when it comes to the tendering process for work that needs to be done in their areas.

That is according to Cllr Martin Browne who highlighted the issue of a housing estate in Bansha that was resurfaced recently.

Once the resurfacing work to the estate’s thoroughfare was done by a contractor for Tipperary County Council, it emerged that the road was uneven and poorly done. He also noted that it was originally estimated that the project would take around two days to complete. it was eventually done in less than a day through the use of different surfacing material.

Cllr Browne said that he has contacted the company responsible and is awaiting further developments.

He said the residents are unhappy with the type of material used to surface the area and want the traditional method used instead.